Well, after a small prescribed burn, I have at least one corner of the shop decent enough for some pictures.
First is the new wood rack doing its job quite nicely:

I didnt realize how much 6 stock I had picked up. This was mostly because the old rack couldnt handle 8 stock in an easy manner. Now that I have a much better rack, I can go back to buying longer, and thus more versatile, stock.
As I mentioned in a comment on the previous wood rack post, I added plywood "decking" to the second and third shelf to both increase the racking resistance (earthquakes) and allow for easier storage of shorts. Also, I added sliding trays under the bottom platform to handle even more shorts.
And here is the GGTC - Gigantic Green Tool Chest:

The body of the chest is made of 3/4" birch plywood that I found buried at the bottom of the old wood rack. I dont use plywood very often anymore, but this was leftover from my table saw days and much too nice to send to the landfill.
This is going in to my school shop to safely keep unsupervised hands achoice from sharp tools.
Now its back to the shop overhaul - next up, the new wall!
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