Happy Memorial Day for those of you in the US.
As I got left out of all the Memorial day plans and activities (ahem) I decided to go down to the work shop and catch up on a couple of projects and to experiment a little.
Salt cellars
I have the method for making lots of salt cellars and Im going to begin making lots of them for sale. Here are examples of the first batch:

Then I decided to work on the salt and pepper shakers and so I took a pair of basswood blanks and turned one of them. It looks like a hand grenade:

Next is the latest iteration of the coffee scoop. Ive tried 4 different ways of making a scoop and this is number 5. Obviously none of them have worked out (one came out looking like a pipe). I dont think this will hold coffee:

I think sometimes you can work a bit too much--time to take some time off.
More later,
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