Last month, while visiting family in Oregon, Im walking through an antique store. A real one. Which probably doesnt overly excite you, except you probably dont live in Alaska where 99.9% of "antique" stores are actually "junk" stores. So, anychoice, Im drooling all over the store. I turn a corner and there is this cute little arts and crafty rocker.

The joints are loose. No problem. Thats good really (already planning ahead). One of the metal supports that holds the seat springs has broken and someone "fixed" it by jamming a board in there. Not comfortable - true, but it is fixable. And the rockers arent original. The holes in them dont match up with the legs. More serious, but Im not collecting, and it still has my interest. And come on - $35!
So I buy it. I did try to resist, I mean I dont need any projects - did I mention that? But two days later its sitting in my Mother-In-Laws garage. Now to get it home to Alaska. I thought about checking it on the airplane. Dont laugh. Up here we check stuff that seems crazy anywhere else. If you go to the airport in Anchorage you will see various duck tape wrapped objects on the carousel: moose racks, guns, huge coolers full of salmon, guns, TVs (in boxes), fishing poles, guns, BBQ grills, a case of Tabasco, more guns, groceries etc. But after thinking about the prices they are charging these days, I opted for Old Blue. The U.S. Postal Service to the rescue!
Step one. Take the rocker apart. No problem - the joints are already loose. Except that someone has tried to hold them together by nailing through some of the joints. I dig these out with minimal damage using a tool I made from a screwdriver that I sharpened and put a "vee" notch into with a file (got both at the local hardware store - a real one! No borg!). While taking it apart, I manage to read part of the decayed sticker that tells me it is The Phoenix Chair Companys Model # 21434, from Sheboygan, WI.

Step three. Mail it. Done. Ive now more than doubled my investment. Im still happy.
Step four. Wait. Parcel Post to Alaska can take weeks. Especially when the volcano keeps messing around.

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