Well, its been raining and its gotten colder today-Im hoping tomorrow wont be cold or rainy or at least just dry.
I made the new work table and it came out just fine:

I got up early this morning and I ran over to Home Depot to get a 2x4 and the second I walked in the store I could hear lots of children laughing and talking and lots of little hammers hammering away. I walked over to see what was going on and the store was hosting a wood working class for youngsters and their parents.
It was wonderful to see this. Im always glad to see kids working with wood, learning to use tools, and using both their heads and their hands to understand a problem and to work out a solution. Bravo to Home Depot for doing this.
Next week we begin the coffee table for my son so stay tuned as the process photos for that will appear on my other blog site, www.piperooo.blogspot.com.
Well, Im cold and wet and so Im going to finish up in the wood shop and go bake an apple pie for Easter dinner tomorrow. I hope you all have a good rest of the weekend.
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