"Why its old Mr. Wilson - the caretaker of the amusement park!"
"Yes, and Id have gotten achoice with it too, if it wasnt for you meddling kids..."
Oops! Sorry, that was from the Scooby Doo edition of this post - dont know how that snuck in here...
Okay - are you ready?
(Click here first if you havent read the previous two relevant posts)
The Mystery Wooden Object (MWO) is...
...a Pakistani Cow Amulet! Yes! What?
Congratulations Regis! You are the clear winner:"Looks like a cow bell. Maybe that darker square insert in the back holds the "bells" inside. Or an ornament to put around an animals neck."How did you come up with that anychoice? Email me your address and Ill send you your prize!Okay, so when Kaija called me, she had just been to a little store back East, which she describes as being a "woodsy/crafty/chotsky with a smattering of international groovy stuff" type store. While perusing the goods, she came up short in front of a small tray full of MWOs! The accompanying signage simply stated, "Pakistani Cow Amulets."
Heres what she saw:

Armed with this new knowledge I called Uncle Google and had a long, long chat. It took awhile, but heres a summary of what I found out:
(And remember - "Its on the internet, so it must be true!")
Mostly associated with the Swat Valley in Pakistan (but covering a much wider region of Pakistan and Afghanistan, at least according to some sources) these amulets are believed to protect and identify livestock - possibly cows, but more likely goats or sheep. They are worn around the neck of the animal. Some are very simple, with no carving and just the hole at the top for the cord to pass through. Others are carved in ancient patterns (said to be Buddhist designs by one source). Still others go to a higher level of protection - incorporating a small chamber containing a prayer or blessing from a local religious leader. Apparently, after the animal is slaughtered, the amulet is used on another animal - which means some of the amulets are very old. Types of wood mentioned were cedar and rosewood.
Well, that explained just about everything I (we) had noticed about the MWO. I was right about the wear pattern inside the through mortise, only I was picturing it upside-down with the rope or fabric at the bottom, while in reality the amulet hung from the cord, not the other choice around. And the square of wood in the back was not a cut off tenon - it is the plug to the hollowed-out chamber. Cool!
Kaija graciously went back to the store and picked up a few of the MWOs cousins for me. Here is a set of "reunion" photos:

Of course, I have a ton of new questions. Who makes these? Are they made by a specialist (town woodworker or carver?), or by the church, or are they made by the owner of the livestock? What kind of wood is it? It sure doesnt look like cedar (well, N. American cedar isnt really cedar anychoice, so how would I know?) or rosewood. Are they still being made/used? How did these end up here? Why werent they reused? How old are they?
If you have any insight, please post a comment. But for now, Im satisfied - and the MWO is no longer a MWO. It is a Pakistani livestock amulet.
Finally, I have no idea if these things really work, but it just might explain the increased frequency of this kind of occurrence at our house:

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