Well, I was very busy all day today and I decided since I had been a good girl, the wood fairies should reward me with an hour in the work shop.
I generate a lot of small scrap like most wood workers do and Im really ruthless about getting rid of them and keeping the shop uncluttered. But it does pay to keep small blocks of wood-they make knobs and other small things that you dont want to cut up a larger piece of lumber for.
I bought a large glued up pine block a while back and I cut it into smaller blocks (youll see one of them tomorrow when I write about the tea box). I bought some small earrings recently and I needed a small box to keep them in and so I took two of the smaller pine blocks and put them to work.
Here we go:
I decided to make a small square box for my earrings. Its a fast short term project that is easy to make:

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