After I finished the bowl session today I took out the spoon and took a long look at it and did a little carving and discovered that my carving tools probably wouldnt cut soft butter so its time to stop and sharpen everything up. Heres some photos:
Here is the spoon blank from last night. Note that its squarish in shape. I like my spoons to be more rounded so Im going to shape the bowl a little bit:
I have a gouge that I very much like using for the exterior surfaces of spoons and other things and here is a photo of it. Poor thing is as dull as a tool can get and still be considered a tool:
I also have a small draw knife that Im partial too. Same dulled edge...gee I wonder who owns these tools...?
Here is the bowl after several fruitless minutes trying to shape it. I might have done better had a bitten off the corners with my teeth:
I have a number of carving tools that have curved cutting surfaces that cant be sharpened on a grinding wheel or a flat sharpening stone. A wood carver in England named Sean Hellman has a really good video on sharpening a hook knife, which I have. The video shows a very simple method for sharpening and Im going to post a link to his blog so you can see it too: http://seanhellman.blogspot.com/2012/02/sharpening-mora-164-hook-knife-and-how.html.
Ok, Im going to sharpen everything tomorrow and continue on with the spoon. Thanks for dropping by and Ill see you soon.
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