Well its a lovely Saturday afternoon here. Its sunny and warm-tomorrow its going to cool down and we may get snow so we need to get outside to the wood shop for some turning and carving while we can.
Ok first turning: I have a good friend who will be retiring next year and Im going to make her a small salad bowl that will be just a right size for her and her husband (hes retiring too, on the same day). Ive acquired a block of maple and I have some left over Goncalo Alves wood from another project and Ive laminated them together to make a turning blank. By laminating the two pieces together Ill be able to make a bowl that uses the entire block of maple for the volume and leave the foot to the Goncalo Alves wood. Heres a photo:

I also finished my election night spoon out of red birch:

Ive also made some long promised tasting spoons for a friend of mine out of cherry, black walnut, and Goncalo Alves wood:

And Im working on a round ribbon platter out of white oak at the moment and Ill show you photos of this in a day or two.
More later,
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