Project finished! My favorite part of a long build. I havent posted much in regards to the progress because all I have been doing is applying the finish and hardware; had a week vacation in there too where no work was done. Anychoices, here is a shot of the cabinet in the shop all finished.
From MediaCabinet |
Here is a shot with all the doors open.
From MediaCabinet |
And here is a shot of it in its final "resting place".
From MediaCabinet |
Overall, this was a fun project. If I had to do it again there are a few things I would change, but overall I am happy with the choice it came out.
My next project is going to be another coffee table, just like the other mahogany one I did last year; this is a commissioned piece though so I will get some money, which is alchoices good!
Be Safe!
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