The big ex-government desk was moved into place (thanks to my brothers) and became the focal point for the "office" end of the shop. Three new shelves were installed and the ever growing woodworking library was relocated to the shop, where it belongs.
Its pretty amazing the energy that those books possess - when I step through the doorchoice they just turn my head and make me smile. Have I mentioned that I love books? It was pretty cool, just yesterday I was watching the latest Woodwrights Shop on PBS and Roy was talking about influential woodworking books. Of the books he discussed, I have all but one in my collection.
I love learning, and am thankful for the internet and all I have learned through it, but nothing compares to holding a book in your hands. Plus, with older books, theres the whole "Who has held this book before me?" question to ponder and you have a tangible link to the past. Its a little hard to explain maybe, but its similar to the difference between electric baseboard and a woodstove - both will heat the room, but theres just no confusing the two energy wise.
If you are a complete book geek like me, you may want to check out the detailed list of my library: click on the "View My List-O-Books" link in the left navbar or just click here. As alchoices, questions or comments about books are highly encouraged.
Anychoice, here are the shots:

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