For most of its history, wood turning was basically an industrial process. Wood turners made all sorts of household goods, chair and furniture parts, and other functional items. About 40 years ago a number of artists began to adapt it for artistic purposes. Steven Hogbin, Mark Lindquist, David Ellsworth, Bob Stockdale, to name a few, really took turning to artistic heights and have produced a number of beautiful and important works.
One of these artists, David Ellsworth, turns what he calls "spirit forms." This are round, sometimes spherical, other times more flattened or cylindrical shapes that are not functional pieces per se but instead are turned to emphasize the grain patterns and thus the natural beauty of the wood. The pieces he turns vary in size from very small, fit-in-your-hand sizes to pieces made from trunks of trees. And his pieces are hollow-he uses special tools to hollow them out.
Ive been studying the forms that he has made and Ive decided to try turning some myself. I love river stones. Ive loved the shape and the surfaces of these kinds of stones all my life and I decided to see if I could combine some of Ellsworths techniques (see his book Ellsworth on Woodturning) along with my own skills and turn some wood into shapes resembling river stones.
So Ive been practicing lately with branches and other small pieces have collected over the past year and Id like to share with you the piece I made today out of some scrap, laminated pine.
Here we go:
On one of my wood hunting expeditions I acquired a large laminated block of pine. Ive since cut the block into more useable shapes and I had several small pieces left over. Ive taken one of them and drilled a hole in the bottom so as to mount it on the Nova chuck on the lathe:

Here is one last photo of this form with several other pieces:

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