Hi Everyone,
Well, I had a good turning day today and in spite of the continuing cold here in Minnesota, I got a lot done.
Lets take a look at todays photos:
Now yesterday I began this turning with a chunk of black walnut and I turned it into a cylinder in preparation for making it into a vase. This is our walnut cylinder at present. Ive taken it off the lathe to look at it and to see how much wood I have to work with:
Before I begin to shape this into something I have to think about how the blank will be attached to the lathe and I also need to true up the ends. This involves putting the blank back on the lathe, spinning it and cutting a groove in both ends. As the blank spins on its long axis, this will allow me to cut a plane into the blank that is perpendicular to the long axis. Doing this will help me drill a hole into the blank that will be perpendicular to the ends and so the finished vase will sit straight on a flat surface:
Now Im going take the blank over to the bandsaw and trim off the ends:
Im going to re-attach the blank to the lathe via a lathe wood chuck, which is a round chuck, similar to a drill chuck, that has jaws that can be opened and closed. Doing this will allow me to take off the blank and remount it quickly and exactly.
Ill drill the hole in the blank with a Forstner bit which is the device Im holding in my hand below. These types of drill bits drill very exact, flat-bottomed holes in wood and come in a variety of sizes:
Drilling into the end of the blank requires a drill press and here is a photo right after Ive drilled it:
This is the hole in the end without the shavings so you can see this clearly:
Here is a photo of the lathe wood vice, the key that operates it, and the blank all grouped together. The vice will screw on to the lathe and the blank will fit over the jaws of the chuck. This is a Tecknatool chuck. This type of chuck has inter-changable jaws and I use it all the time. I dont know who invented this but they have earned a place in wood-turning heaven:
And here are photos of the chuck, the lathe, and the blank ready to turn:
DesignI wanted to produce a vase that was unusual in its shape and that emphasized the wood, and that was small enough to hold in both hands yet large enough to act as an attractive art piece. I also wanted to avoid iconic shapes that look like bottles or flasks. I also wanted the piece to be "bottom heavy" so it wouldnt easily tip over. I think the tendency is to make the bottom of the vase the widest part of the turning and the top of the vase narrow.
In looking at the wood blank I decided to flip it over and do the exact opposite. As youll see in a moment, the bottom of the vase is the narrow part and the widest portion is towards the top. So I had to drill another hole in the opposite end of the blank and remount it on the lathe:
Im going to begin the turn by shaping the top of the vase:
I do a lot of my shaping with a roughing gouge. This is probably my favorite tool and Ive named it Bob in honor of the father of a great friend of mine-her dad is a wonderful man. Anyway, this is used for rough shaping of blocks of wood or large tree branches. I also use it for very fine surface cutting and if sharpened correctly, a large amount of cutting and shaping can be done with this tool:
In this photo you can see that Im shaping the bottom of it to be narrower than the top. Note that the vase is still be turned between centers. This allows me to do a lot of cutting without the vase suddenly coming off the lathe and possibly hitting me:
Im thinking the vase may just be a bit too long so Im going to shorten it a little. This groove in the bottom of the base marks the end of it:
Here is the rough turning of the vase. The surface is rough, and the end is pitted somewhat. Im going to smooth it down and take off the shoulder of the vase. Im also going to trim down the spout a little bit:
In this photo you can see another tool that I use a lot-this is called a skew chisel. This is used primarily for smoothing the exterior surface of a turning and I use mine a lot. It can save a lot of time in sanding. It can be a difficult tool to master and it was the last tool in the standard lathe kit that I learned to use. I suspect this is true of most turners:
Here is the vase several minutes later-note that the surface is much smoother:
In this photo Ive rounded the shoulder some and narrowed the base a little more:
Here is the vase after about 90 minutes of turning and general fussing on my part:
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