Well, last evening was a quiet evening and so I decided to go down to the wood shop and take a look at the wedding present bowl and to try buffing it.
That was a good first move as it evened out the surface a bit and got rid of a couple of drip marks. The inside of the bowl is perfect-couldnt be made better. But the outside still needed work so I rubbed on a thin layer of salad bowl varnish and it looked good. There are still two but smaller areas that need attention. I decided to let the entire thing dry over night and Im shortly going to be going down to look at the bowl.
Im also going to try to mount a cutting board blank on one of the faceplates using double sided turning tape and Ill get into that shortly. And Im also going to continue working on the red striped bowl from earlier this week.
So grab some coffee and drop by the wood shop. Its going to be a busy day.
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