Well, while Hollys bowl cools its heels in the shop, we have another project to do and here is the story behind that:
I have a lovely cousin in California who is quite ill at the moment. Fortunately she has a lot of family support in this and specifically she has what sounds like three lovely daughters who have been actively supporting her and her husband. Two of the daughters live in California and the other lives on the east coast. All of them have quite a distance to travel but they do take the time to see their mom and to help out their dad.
I dont know about all of you but being a caregiver can be a lot of work and very stressful and the people in this world who do care for very ill family or friends should be called out and recognized for all that they do. So here is the SWW effort in that direction: Im going to make the daughters each a small present as a thank you and also to let them know that regardless of how the situation with their mom turns out, they have family who care very much about them.
Discussion and Plans
Im going to make each of the daughters a small wooden plate that they can take home and use. I have some white ash, black walnut, and a piece of cumaru wood to use in this and Ive cut out two of the blanks so far.
This is a photo of the cumaru plate (the square plate) and the black walnut blank:

So here we go again. Get some coffee and drop by the wood shop-we have a new adventure before us.
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