Every fall I think the start of the school year has got to be the craziest time of the year. And every spring I change my mind. Hands down, the end of the school year is the craziest time. It seems like every minute has at least an hours worth of work to get done.
So after spending four hours of a beautiful Sunday in my stuffy classroom (the air circulation is shut off on weekends), I came home and hid in the shop for about an hour. It wasnt much, but I did make some progress on the candle rack.
First, I had to remember what I was working on - finishing the dovetails. Then I had to double check that I was working with the right parts in the right orientation. All stuff that just takes care of itself when you arent breaking your project up into tiny amounts of time spread over weeks.
I did the layout on the tops of the sides by eye. If you look closely, you can see that I changed my mind a couple of times:

After cutting the tails, I transferred the layout to the pin board, cut it out and what do you know? It went together the first time:

It was fun to see the case for the rack coming together:

Not much progress, but better than nothing. And a nice hour in the shop with something to show for it is never bad. Actually, an hour in the shop is never bad, whether there is something to show for it or not.
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