This project was one of the more challenging that I have done, mainly because of all of the pieces. I started with rough cherry stock and a hardware kit from Rockler. The first thing I did was to mill all the pieces; legs, rails, etc. Then I had to lay out the mortises; all 90 of them!! Here you can see all 32 of the smaller vertical slats.
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One of the finer details of these is that they have a stopped round over on them to ease the edge so I created a simple start and stop block on the router table and did the whole batch.
Next, I had to lay out for the mortises. I combined the top and bottom boards and laid them out at the same time to eliminate any errors and causing them to be skewed during glue up.
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Then I just took them all over to my Delta mortiser and went to town. I must say that this was a major time saver for this project; highly recommended.
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This is a picture of one of the ends. The middle boards are book matched.
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Here is the whole thing dry fit, without the sliding gate on it.
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And finally, the finished product.
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The finish on it was a wash coat of shellac followed by a coat of a red cherry gel stain that was put on and wiped off quickly; just adds a little color too it, turned out nice. And finally another top coat of shellac to seal it in.
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