Well, I need a work table and Ive begun working on one today. Here we go:
I got a bench-top sander over the holidays and Im really excited to begin using it (no more hand sanding-yea!). And I also have a bench grinder to sharpen my tools with. These two tools together are very heavy and I need a strong table so I can bolt them down and use them. So after some serious thought and a cup of coffee I decided to make a table using construction braces.
There is a company called Simpson Strong Tie and they make a whole array of different types of construction connectors: http://www.strongtie.com/. They also have produced several diy-type projects using these connectors and one of these projects is a heavy-duty table. You can see the plans for this at: http://www.strongtie.com/ftp/fliers/DIY-PROJECT08.pdf.
So, I went and I bought some connectors and some 2x4s and began cutting and planning:

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