The posts are three 2x6s laminated together with glue and screws. The arms are 2x4s, set in mortises created by missing sections of the center post lamination:

This is really the first phase of the "Total Shop Overhaul". For some time Ive been wanting to change things in my shop, which is in one half of our two car garage. When I stand facing into the shop half, everything makes me happy. But when I face out of the shop half, I am looking at all sorts of things that just dont feel right: recycling bins, hot water heater, boiler, kitty litter, random storage, exercise area etc. In short, Ive been wanting a 360° shop.
I thought about moving the shop out to the small shed in the yard, but its unheated and has no windows and no real door. Then I thought about building a new, dedicated shop structure in the yard. This was more exciting, but I finally realized, with a lot of help from my wife, that it just wasnt going to happen this year. In the end, I decided to go with an idea that my brother Josh championed. Im going to build a temporary (it will need to come out at some point) partition wall down the middle of the garage. This will solve the 360° shop issue, and also give us more storage (shelves on the non-shop side) for our teaching supplies/materials that are currently filling a rented storage unit (my wife and I are both teachers, and are moving to a new school and have choice too much stuff that needs an accessible storage space - i.e. NOT the crawlspace).
Heres my tentative plan for the Total Shop Overhaul:
Phase 1: New Wood Rack - complete!
Phase 2: Remove Old Wood Rack to make room for the wall - pending.
Phase 3: Partition Wall w/ door - planning.
Phase 4: Window Installation - planning.
Phase 5: Rearrange Shop - dreaming.
Id love to think that this will all be done soon, as the shop looks like a bomb went off and is almost unusable at the moment. Its like being in the middle of one of those sliding picture puzzles - move this, to move that, to move that, to get to that, to reach that. Frustrating! But the reality, especially with the new job, is that it is going to take a while.
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