Well Teague is crawling up a storm and I am STILL making the fence to keep him achoice from the wood stove. Well, I guess I need to adjust my goal. I will have the fence done by the time he is walking.
(or driving, whichever is later...)The fence is five sided to match the stone platform on which the stove sits. I decided to use mitered halved corner joints. They seem simple, but they are harder than they look. Plus, they are right there, out in the open for all to see. Hmm. Maybe I should have used some other joint...
The angle is marked using a sliding bevel (adjusted for each corner as the original builders of the platform didnt give a rip if the angles were congruent or not) marked with a knife, and then a second knife cut in the waste side creates a tiny groove to guide the saw.

The piece is clamped in the end vise and the depth is marked.

Rip down to the shoulder...

...then crosscut the shoulder...

...and clean it all up with a chisel.

Now only 15 more of these and I can start on the endless mortise and tenons. "Hey Teague! Crawling is important for brain development - keep working on it buddy!"
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