Ive said before that I love mysteries, and I love them even more when they get solved. This one took over two years, which only makes it that much sweeter.
Back in July of 2008 I wrote a post about the Mystery Wooden Object and asked readers for help in identifying it. Some interesting ideas were bounced around, but there was no breakthrough.
Then, a couple of months ago my niece Kaija (of Kaijas Project fame) called me from the East Coast with the big news: she had a hard lead on the answer, in fact she was standing in front of a small pile of my Mystery Wooden Objects cousins!
Well, after talking to her and doing some additional research, I now know quite a bit about the MWO - which I will share in a future post.
I thought it might be fun to see if anyone wanted to take one last shot at identifying it. As an incentive, Ill send my spare copy of Making Authentic Craftsman Furniture to the first person who pegs it, or to whoever gets closest before I spill the beans.
Here are some newer shots to mull over:

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