I got a couple of bowl blanks a week or so ago and Im going to begin turning them so they can be ready by Christmas-yes, Christmas!
I ordered two blanks-one of red elm wood and the other was supposed to be monkey puzzle wood. I got both woods because they usually are red or have a lot of red coloring. Heres the photos for the red elm bowl:
The bowl turned very easily-the wood had a fair amount of moisture in it. Here it is on the lathe:
Here is the bowl about 30 minutes later. The out side is cut and there is a foot underneath all of this:
Here is a the rough cut bowl after about an hour. You can see that it is heavily spalted and that there isnt any red wood in the bowl:
The second bowl I dont have a photo of yet. I just began turning it and it looks orange to me. It doesnt look like money puzzle wood at all. It actually looks like spalted maple. Ill turn that later this evening and get a photo posted for you to see.
Both these bowls will be going into a drying bag tomorrow and begin their time drying out. And well take a look at both of them in a months time.
More later,
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