Good Evening All,
Well after a busy day I decided to go down and work on the tea box lid. Youll remember yesterday I had to make this second box lid after the first one broke and Im glad that I did. I decided to shape the lid differently than what I usually do and this necessitated a much stronger knob so the lid would be able to stand the stress of all the turning.
I did the underside first:
This first photo shows the underside with a "dot" in the middle. This is a wooden plug that covers up the metal screw that I used yesterday to attach the knob to the top. Here in this photo I am truing up (cutting it until it is a true circle-shaped blank) the bottom and the sides of this blank.
This second photo shows the blank after about 20 minutes of turning. The tenon that serves as the attachment point for the lid has been tuned and Ive created the belly button in the center with the wooden plug in the center. Ive also cut the lip for the box and scraped all of the surfaces smooth with a scraper.
Here is the completed underside after a bit of tweeking. The top fits the bottom perfectly. Time to flip the whole thing over.
I always turn the lid and the box together to ensure that they wind up the same diameter but this time Im going to leave a bit of an over hang in order to emphasize the foot on the bottom of the box. Here you see the 4 jaw chuck, the box, the lid, a jam chuck which is nothing more than a scrap block of wood between the knob on the box lid and the live center. I use this to prevent the live center from creating a small hole in the center of the knob:
In this photograph you will see pencil marks in the center of the rim and approximately half way between the edge of the lid and the knob. The wood between these two lines needs to be cut away:
...and here you see that I have indeed cut away the wood on the edge of the lid:
The next two photos show the top of the lid being shaped. In the photo below I am shaping the top layer of the lid:
...and here Ive shaped the lower layer. Now its time to place the lid in the 4 jaw chuck and finish it off.
This photo shows all the box and other machinery removed-were just looking at the lid at this point. Ive thinned the top layer of wood down quite a bit and the knob has been rounded off and is almost finished:
This photo shows the lid and knob completed.
Here is a photo of the lid on the box. This top view makes the lid look too big for the box, but trust me, it isnt.
Its getting late and as I need my beauty sleep, Im going to stop now. But weve had a good day in the wood shop and I think this box will look great when its finished.
Tomorrow Ill set this aside and let the stresses in the wood calm down a bit and while all of that is going on, well work on the black walnut-hickory bowl some more.
Have a good evening and see you tomorrow.
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